
Apasora Smruti

Watch Odia song Apasora Smruti in the voice of Susmita Das and Omprakash Mohanty

Enewsodia released a new Odia song  Apasora Smruti in the voice of Susmita Das and Omprakash Mohanty you can watch this beautiful romantic odia song on Enewsodia official Youtube channel. The song Apasora Smruti video feature artist Sudhasri & Padarabindu, the music produce and directed by Rajesh Ranjan Mohanty the sung by Susmita Das and Omprakash Mohanty 

Unforgettable sweet memories keeps coming back with ocean waves. Even the soft breeze is searching for those lost sweet memories. Whatever those sweet random memories I had buried deep in the ocean is now coming back hiding in shells and floating in waves. Collecting those cherished memories I get lost in past and search for them in buried shells. But while searching for them all I realized that it has already turned into pearls.

✽ Singer : Susmita Das and Omprakash Mohanty

Produced & Directed: Rajesh Ranjan Mohanty

DOP: Dhiren Sahu Assistant Director: Jagabandhu Behera 

Edit: Arun Kumar DI: Debapriya Senanayak 

Make-up & Hair: Pinku & Gunduchi 

Production Manager: Sankar 

Production: Rajesh Ranjan 

Films Post Production: Srujan Films 

Publicity & Visibility: Footsteps


Ratnamani Maharana

Shakespeare, in the beautiful garden, among the party. Some of the hall: in fact she was ever to.